Well, it's too complicated so I'll do it for you. Just tell me here or email me anything you'd
like to put there and I'll put it on there for you. If you see a background somewhere that
you like just give a link here or email me and tell what you want.
I made a fancy one for Rock a long time ago but I don't think he ever went to it.
I put his favorite links on it from his old laptop. I recently closed the server account
I had at Bluehost and asked him and he said he didn't want anything from it so his
new one doesn't have anything on it.
I made one for Curly when he was leaving AOL after two or three years on broadband
and put it
HEREIt's not a real URL though, just a page.
Diane didn't ask for one but I was trying out "frames" on a web page and made her
one and it's
HEREIt's not a front line URL either and I don't think she ever goes to it.
I made Helen a real URL helen.thumpnet.com and started making a page it for her
to use on her little screen on her netbook
HEREI can put anything and extra pages there if you let me know what you want and
how you want it to show up. I can put all your favorites links on it and/or all your
e-mail addresses if you want to and give them to me. I'm wide open.
More on Favorites and Addresses in Software in a few minutes.
I just write html for a hobby and like to do it.