No, you paid it. Don't know how, probably PayPal so you'll get a bill when it automatically
renews then. Haven't got mine yet. Diane hasn't reupped hers, said she'd just wait until
sometime when she needed it. Won't save her anything now anyway, she signed up for
the Centurylink complete plan - cable, internet, and their VOIP phone for unlimited calls.
They told her 8 MBs down with her new plan. We're getting 23 or 24 on SpeedTest right
now but that's not a guaranteed speed. Don't know what Comcast advertises.
I'll test her Centurylink internet after she gets it hooked up. She could give it back if she's
not going to use it and I could give it to someone who would but I won't mention it.
Obviously she didn't set hers to auto update.